Legal Notice and General Conditions of Contract

Legal notice

  1. Scope of application.

This document establishes and regulates the rules of use of the web (hereinafter the “site”) , and includes all pages and content owned by C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. which are accessed through the domain and its subdomains, as well as the general contracting conditions for sales from our online store.

The use of the site attributes the condition of user of the same and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in the present text. The user undertakes to read it carefully each time he intends to use the site, as it may be modified without prior notice and without any type of limitation. The texts can always be reviewed by the user.

The use of our online store, either as a simple visitor or as a registered member, and/or the monitoring of all the steps provided to purchase products through it, as well as your request; implies the full and unreserved adherence of the user to each and every one of the general conditions published on the web.

These Conditions will be applicable from the beginning of the online purchase procedure of the product until the receipt of the shipment, as well as from the end of the withdrawal periods and legally established guarantees, as appropriate.

  1. Ownership of the website and notices.

Any notification or contact should be addressed to the owner of the website, which is C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. CIF: B92883057.

Address: Camino Pera de Agua
81-104, Los Perales Industrial Estate, Mailbox 15, C.P. 29651, from Mijas.

It is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Malaga Volume 4397, Book 3306, Folio 203, Section 8, Page MA 94009, 1st Inscription.

Telephone: 952587573


  1. Intellectual and industrial property.

The intellectual property rights of this site are owned by C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L., or by third parties with authorization. Similarly, all trademarks or distinctive signs contained on the site are protected by law.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in the site, or the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation, total or partial, of its contents, constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. The damages caused to intellectual and industrial property rights may give rise to the exercise of the legally corresponding actions and, if applicable, to the responsibilities derived from said exercise.

In the event that the products/services of our online store are susceptible to protection by Intellectual Property, C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. guarantees to be authorized to manage the acquisition and collection of the product to the consumer.

  1. Exclusion of liability.

The content, programs, information and/or advice expressed on this site should be understood as merely indicative. C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L., is not responsible in any way for the effectiveness or accuracy of the same, being exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual responsibility with the users who make use of them, since they are the ones that must decide according to their criteria, their opportunity.

Content can be published or services provided by third parties or companies can be made available. We are not responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the same, being exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual responsibility with the users who make use of them, or with the links. C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L., does not control or exercise any type of supervision on third-party websites. We advise users to act prudently and consult the legal conditions of said websites.

We decline any responsibility for any damages that may be caused by the lack of availability of the site or the services offered.

Despite the fact that we put all the necessary security measures in place, our responsibility is for the means, not for the results, so we cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the web that may cause alterations in your computer system. For this reason, we decline any contractual or extra-contractual responsibility with the users who make use of the site, and have damages of any nature caused by computer viruses or other elements of any kind.

Users who send any type of information to C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L., undertake that it is true and that it does not violate any third-party rights or current legislation.

  1. Terms of use for users.

Access will always be free, except in relation to the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the access provider, contracted by the user.

The use of the site for purposes that harm the property or interests of C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. is prohibited. or third parties or that in any other way overload, damage or disable our networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications (software); or those of third parties.

If the user is aware that the linked sites refer to pages whose contents or services are illegal, harmful, denigrating, violent or contrary to morality; We would appreciate it if you let us know.

  1. Description of products/services and responsibility.

Through the portal, consumers or users can purchase products. These are categorized, selecting one, the information available about it, its characteristics, utilities and price appears on the screen; and one or more descriptive photographs. Before contracting, the user must check it and assess whether it meets their needs. Technical assistance, after-sales services and other commercial guarantees that could assist the client, if any, may also appear.

Before contracting, the user must check it and assess whether it meets their needs. In addition, the user must be over 18 years of age, provide the necessary data and accept these Conditions.

The fact that the user completes the order form does not imply automatic acceptance of the order by C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L., but it will be understood that he accepts it when an email is sent acknowledging the application.

  1. Purchase procedure.

The customer must follow the instructions on the screen and add products to the cart, without any purchase commitment. You can view the cart or empty it by deleting the items.

If you want to continue with the purchase, you must accept the purchase in the order button, accepting the legal notice and conditions, as well as those particular conditions that that specific item has in its description.

Subsequently, if they have not previously been provided, the client will be asked for their personal information with fields with an asterisk, which are mandatory to make a correct shipment. Yes, prior customer registration is required.

The client can check if the data is correct and if necessary correct those that are wrong through the “edit” button.

To complete the purchase process, you must click on the “buy now” button (or a similar expression), which implies the purchase with payment obligation.

If there are help pages during the process, these will give the customer extra information about the purchase process.

When a sale is formalized, and once the payment has been received and verified and the acceptance of the purchase confirmed by email within 24 hours of the purchase, the product is shipped. If the products are not available, it will be informed by email.

The contract ends once the goods have been delivered, although the guarantees and data are maintained for legal and commercial reasons (if you accepted them).

We will not be liable for any other type of damage, whether effective, indirect, or of any other type, nor for lost profits that the buyer may have suffered due to problems arising from the sale and shipment of the products.

C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. will not be responsible for delays, or for inaccurate or erroneous publication when they are the result of events or circumstances beyond its control, including, but not limited to, government action, fire, flood, insurrection, earthquake, technical failure, hacking, riot, explosion, embargo, legal or illegal strike, shortage of personnel or material, interruption of transport of any kind, delay in work, or any other circumstance beyond its control.

For any additional information about your order or billing, you can contact Customer Service through the email account provided at the beginning.

  1. Delivery times.

The delivery time will be 48-72 working hours approx. after placing the order, for those shipments that must be delivered within the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. For cases of shipments outside the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands it will be 72-96 hours. You must contact us to consult the shipping and customs costs before placing the order. It can be accessed from any operating system, platform or browser. If you have a problem, contact us.

  1. Price and method of payment.

The price of the products is defined in Euros, and will be established in the corresponding pages of the site for each product, being valid during the time that they remain accessible on the website.

The form of payment of the good will be by credit card or bank transfer.

If payment is made by credit card, the charge on the card will be made through the bank POS. All commercial transactions are carried out in a secure server environment under the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol, and the PSD2 regulation (Payment Services Directive EU 2015/2366), which guarantees the security and privacy of your data.

The applicable taxes are understood to be included in the price of the product.

All quantities specified are per model (price) and quantities per model. This means that three units of the same model of that product give rise to the same price (for whatever model it is). However, three products of three different models result in three different prices (one for each product model).

The shipping costs are shown separately, broken down in the cart, and the user must check and accept before formalizing the order, the costs involved in sending it to their address, since they vary depending on the size and weight of the product or the place of destination. .

In general, C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. will send by email confirmation of receipt of payment via email.

  1. Warranty.

The guarantee of the products is two years from the date of receipt of the same, established in the receipt of the corresponding courier service, which the user signs upon delivery. In second-hand products, it will be 1 year.

The guarantee entitles the user to repair the product or replace it with a new one (except consumables or second-hand), reduce the price or terminate the contract.

In the event that C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. alleges that a form causes disproportionate damage and with the agreement of the consumer, they can choose the one they agree with.

During the six months after the delivery of the repaired product, we will be responsible for the lack of conformity that motivated the repair, assuming that it is the same lack of conformity when defects of the same origin as those initially manifested are reproduced in the product.

  1. Obligations of the user.

The commercial use of products with a registered trademark is expressly prohibited, unless expressly authorized by C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L., or the owner of the Brand.

The user undertakes to pay the price of the product and to use it in accordance with the law and these general conditions.

The user undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of his password and to notify us immediately if he suspects unauthorized use of his account or access to his password. In addition, you agree not to use another person’s account, username, or password.

  1. Obligations of C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L.

It undertakes to make available to the user the necessary information regarding the products, and once the purchase has been made, to send a verification via email, which shows receipt of the order placed, and confirmation of payment.
It undertakes to have the necessary spare parts for the product, or to request them from the manufacturer, for 5 years from the end of manufacture.

Likewise, he will prepare an invoice that he will provide to the consumer.

  1. Withdrawal.

If you are not satisfied with the products purchased in our online store, you have the right to withdraw from the contract by returning your purchases, in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs.

The withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days from the day you or a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier, received the good.

In the event that in the same order you have purchased multiple goods that have been delivered to you separately, the withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days from the day you, or a third party indicated by you other than the carrier, received the last of those assets.

In the event that you have contracted the periodic delivery of goods during a specific period, the withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days from the day you or a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier, received the first of those goods.

Once the products are received, we will pay you both the principal amount and the shipping costs that you paid at the time, however, the shipping costs caused by the return will be your responsibility.

The consumer will be responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from handling them other than what is necessary to establish their nature, characteristics or operation.

The consumer must communicate his desire to withdraw by any means admissible by law through the means provided at the beginning of this text, as well as proceed to return the product by postal package, running with the expenses of said return. By returning the package to the address, we will understand that said right has been exercised, although we provide you with a downloadable withdrawal form at the end of this text, the use of which is not mandatory.

Once the return communication (if applicable) and the product to be returned have been received, we will proceed to return the money paid, including taxes and shipping costs from origin, within a maximum of 14 days, without any discount or penalty. The return will be made by the same means by which you paid, unless you indicate otherwise.

The user will only have to reimburse an amount for the decrease in the value of the asset, which is a consequence of its use inconsistent with the agreement or the characteristics of the asset, for reckless damage caused by not following the maintenance instructions of the asset, or for intentional damage. .

In the event that the return is due to product defects, the legal rights and guarantees on defective products apply in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation for that purpose, the company being responsible for the shipping costs.

The right of withdrawal is only valid for consumers, including legal persons and entities without legal personality that act non-profit in an area unrelated to their commercial or business activity. Merchants or businessmen who purchase products within the framework of a commercial or business activity may not avail themselves of the right of withdrawal.

  1. Responsibilities.

The user will be absolutely responsible for the use he makes of the products purchased, and exonerates us from the responsibility derived from any damage that could be caused by incorrect use. Specifically, he will be responsible for:

  • All those acts that contravene the provisions of these general conditions, the law, morality, generally accepted customs and public order.
  • Any act carried out differently from what is stated in the indications or instructions regarding the operation and use of the product.
  • The certainty, accuracy, validity and timeliness of the data with which you will fill out each of the forms that we require on the web.
  • The direct or indirect damages that have been caused by any third party if the user lost, disclosed, neglected or, in any way, let a third party know for attributable reasons his personal data necessary for contracting the product.
  1. Faculty to deny the request.

C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. reserves the right not to allow the acquisition of the product, when it considers that current regulations, general conditions, morality, generally accepted customs, public order are infringed; when a third party is harmed, or when for reasons derived from the web’s own image and reputation it is not considered appropriate. In this case, if the payment had been made, it will be refunded.

  1. Information and modification.

C-Tec Pro-Tec Group Spain S.L. has exposed this text to the generality of possible interested parties, before they could contract the products, complying with the previous information.

The temporary validity of this condition coincides with the time of its exposure, until the moment in which the terms and conditions stipulated herein are unilaterally modified in whole or in part, the user being obliged to consult our General Contracting Conditions and particulars of the products. each time you access our online store.

If any clause is declared void, it will be deemed not to have been made without affecting the rest of the conditions.

  1. Assignment and subrogation.

We may hire service providers, and collaborate or assign the formalized contracts to third parties, to carry out the supply of all or part of the products to which it is committed by virtue of the different operations that are formalized. You can find an updated list of collaborators at our service in the recipients section of our privacy policy.

  1. Extinction and resolution.

This contract will terminate when both parties comply with the obligations to which they undertake in the same or when it is terminated by one of them if any of the causes provided for the resolution occurs, or if the counterparty seriously fails to comply with any of the obligations established in the contract.

  1. Applicable law, jurisdiction and validity.

This Legal Notice and the General Conditions of Contract is established in the Spanish-Spanish language, and is governed in each of its extremes, by Spanish legislation.

As a consumer you are protected, and you can claim or sue from your home.

Both parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Mijas (Spain), in the following cases:

  • That the purchasing party is domiciled outside the European Union and in said country there is no bilateral or multilateral agreement with Spain that prevents the possibility of establishing the express submission of jurisdiction;
  • If it is a sale carried out by a company acting within the framework of its business activity or professional.
  1. Online Dispute Resolution.

In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 524/2013 on the resolution of online disputes in consumer matters (ODR – Online Dispute Resolution), we inform you that as a consumer, you have at your disposal a procedure to resolve the various disputes arising from the sale online goods and services in the EU. 

EU ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) Platform: http://ec